But on a Wednesday,

But on a Wednesday,

You know what’s wacky? Reflecting on the past 6 months.

I spent yesterday putting pen to paper on a lot of thoughts. But that doesn’t even begin to cover everything I’ve learned since March 17th. Simply put, every emotion privy to the human experience has been checked off by yours truly. But this post isn’t about that. Maybe I’ll write a reflection about the struggles later– but not today. Because today is the end of a decade and tomorrow, the start of an age.

At this very moment I’m sitting in front of a window at a coffee shop, looking out onto the porch and watching 5 kittens chase each other around. There’s a small pumpkin sitting atop a coffee table that the calico kitten spent some time sniffing and pawing at a few minutes ago. The sky is completely overcast and when I got out of the car about an hour ago, it read 67 degrees. (It’s been in the 90s for awhile now and this break is truly miraculous). I even drove through a rain cloud on my way here. Sheer magic!

One of the cats tipped over a man’s coffee cup earlier so the ground is now doused with the water used to rinse that away. I’ve watched a girl put up strands of lights around the porch and window frames. These are the signs of cozy season.

I’ve read 19 books so far this year. The goal is 32 and I’ve really been able to crank a bunch out over the past weeks. But I’m excited for the chilly days to come where I can curl up with a hot drink by a window and get lost in the stories even more so. There’s just something magical about the -ber months that cannot be matched the other 9 months of the year.

So I raise my coffee to new chapters– both literally and figuratively.
And I pray that the next few weeks bring us all some good news and peace.

I’m sorry, the old Colleen can’t come to the phone right now.


After Rain | Dermot Kennedy